
Are you a carer?

  • Does someone at home or in your neighbourhood depend upon you to help with their everyday living? If so, you a carer. A carer is “someone of any age who provides unpaid support to family or friends who could not manage without this help”. This could be looking after a partner, child, family member, or friend who is ill, frail, disabled, or who has mental health or substance misuse problem
  • Examples include: doing their cooking, visiting them regularly to check they are OK, taking them to appointments, collecting their prescriptions, supporting their daily care and/or emotional needs, and helping to prepare their medication.

Telling your GP

  • Carer registration form
  • Let us know you are a carer by filling in a carer form and returning it to reception. There is also a carer pack available from reception also contains valuable information, support, and resources to help you and the person you care for.
  • The role you perform is incredibly important to the person you care for and also to our GP practice and the local community. If you look after someone you may be entitled to a range of support from both local services and the practice.
  • As a GP Practice we have a role in supporting carers’ health and we work closely with carers support agencies and local voluntary sector organisations to identify and support carers and their families who visit the practice.

Gloucestershire Carers Hub

  • The Gloucestershire Carers Hub is an accessible service where you can gain support, feel valued, and offload your worried or concerns. After registering with the Carers Hub, you will have access to free information and guidance, receive support to assist in your caring role, and meet other carers in a safe space.
  • You can contact the Hub by calling 0300 111 9000 or emailing them at

Carer mental health

  • The Gloucestershire Carers Hub is now running a Mental Health Carers Group. It is run by volunteers who are also carers, so you can meet and chat to others who are supporting or caring for someone – and who understand what you’re going through.
  • Learn about the types of mental ill health and how caring can impact on your life and wellbeing, and what local services & resources are available.
  • For more information, please email

Young carers

  • “Young carers” are children and young people under the age of 18 who provide regular or ongoing care and/or emotional support to a family member. “Young adult carers” are young people aged 16-24 taking on similar responsibilities.
  • Young carers become vulnerable when the level of care giving and responsibility to the person in need of care becomes excessive or inappropriate for that young person, risking impacting on their emotional or physical well-being, and/or impacting their educational achievement and life chances.

Carers Emergency Scheme

  • The Carer’s Emergency Scheme focuses on offering reassurance to carers in Gloucestershire that should an unplanned, emergency situation arise (whereby they are unable to provide care), then interim support can be arranged at this potentially difficult time.
  • The service consists of two distinct levels offering flexibility and a level of choice for carers to suit their needs. Both levels of the scheme offer assurance that should an activation be required, details of the carer, the cared for, and any other named responders, are held securely and not disclosed to any parties other than those authorised. The scheme can be activated 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Useful contacts