Armed Forces Veterans

We are a veteran friendly practice

  • Minchinhampton Surgery is now registered as an Armed Forces veteran friendly accredited practice.
  • This means that, as part of the health commitments of the Armed Forces Covenant, we have a dedicated clinician who has a specialist knowledge of military related health conditions and veteran-specific health services. This is important in helping ex-forces to get the best care and treatment.

Telling your GP

  • Regardless of when you left the military, please tell your GP or let reception know that you’ve served in the UK Armed Forces. This helps us ensure you are getting the best possible care.
  • If you have recently left the forces, it is important to give your GP the paperwork that your military medical centre gave you, including any medical records. This will help make sure your military health record transfers across to your NHS health record so your GP has information to ensure any ongoing care and treatment is continued.
  • You may be worried about sharing information about your time in the Armed Forces. Please note that the NHS is bound by a confidentiality code of practice to ensure GPs, nurses and other people working within the NHS deliver a confidential service bound by law.

What dedicated services and support are available?

  • OpCOURAGE provides specialist care & support for Service leavers, reservists, veterans and their families. You can self refer or ask your GP or someone else to refer you.
  • OpRESTORE is a physical health care pathway providing care and treatment to those with a service-attributable healthcare problem. You can be referred via your GP. It is run largely by healthcare professionals who are either veterans or serving members of the Armed Forces.
  • The Veterans Covenant Health Alliance aims to improve NHS care for the Armed Forces community by supporting trusts, health boards and other providers to identify, develop and showcase the best standards of care.
  • The “Personalised care for veterans in England” guide sets out a personalised care approach for veterans who have a long term physical, mental or neurological health condition or disability.
  • With your agreement, it can sometimes be helpful for your GP to refer you to Armed Forces charities, such as SSAFA, the Royal British Legion, Combat Stress or Help for Heroes.