Telephoning the Surgery 01453 883793
On 21st October 2014 Minchinhampton Surgery introduced a new telephone service: Patient Partner. This allows patients who want to use an automated service, to book, check or cancel appointments or order a repeat prescription 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We realise some patients will like this service and others will prefer to continue speaking to a receptionist. Our receptionists will still be available during working hours; just press 1 for Patient Partner or 2 to speak to a receptionist.
Frequently asked questions
Why has this been introduced?
Minchinhampton Surgery has always been pleased to score highly in patient surveys on access to the Surgery by telephone. However in recent years the phone lines in Reception have become busier and busier. By introducing this system it will allow our receptionists more time to speak to those needing to speak to them, as straight forward appointment booking can be handled by the automated system. We hope patients will find being able to book, check or cancel appointments in the evening or weekend useful and it will make our phone lines more accessible during the working day. There is flexibility in the system set up, so feedback is welcomed to help make our telephone access the best it can be for our patients. Please use the patient feedback box opposite the Reception window.
I tried to use the automated system but was put through to Reception –why?
The automated system confirms patients identity, by asking for date of birth as six digits (so a birthdate of 1st May 1950 will be 010550) and telephone number (just six digits so 01453 883793 can be 883793). If the telephone number or date of birth is different to that held on our Clinical System you will be put through to a receptionist. Once you have updated your details with Reception you will be able to use the automated system. Occasionally two patients, such as twins will have the same date of birth and telephone number and again the call will then be put through to Reception.
Why does the line go quiet if I select the option to go to Reception from the automated system?
Please wait a few seconds to allow your call to be transferred; the line will go quiet before being answered.
Why can’t I book a nurse appointment?
Nurse appointments are quite complex, in that different procedures require different appointment times and different nurses do different procedures. We therefore decided it was easier for patients to book these appointments with our knowledgeable receptionists.
I would like to order a repeat prescription but the automated system asks for a pin- how do I obtain one?
In order to request a repeat prescription, you must first request a pin number from the surgery by completing a form available at Reception. We will endeavour to generate your pin number within 48hours of your request. Proof of identity will be required when collecting your registration. Please note this pin is different to the pin required for internet services. At present registration is limited to patients aged 16 or above.
Is the Prescription Line still open?
Patients not wanting to use the automated service to order a repeat prescription may telephone our manned Prescription line on 01453 889678 between 8.30am and 10.30am on working days. Please ensure you gather the details of medication required, before calling this number.